“Zāģē zaru, uz kura pats sēž!” Ķīvīte-Urtāne par vakcinācijas imitēšanu Komentāri (1-2)
Imants Lībeks 2021. gada 16. augusts

Tu neesi ķīvīte, tu esi melna vārna, ārstēties pašai vajag, nevis nosodīt veselus cilvēkus....tu neesi mediķis...

Kristīne Priede 2021. gada 16. augusts

pats tu esi melna vārna. Nosoda nevis par nevakcinēšanos, bet gan par sertifikāta viltošanu.

Алексей Кромов 2021. gada 16. augusts

She is berating those who make fake certificates just out of spite. even though you don't even need to get vaccinated to get a sertificate. Take a test. or be diagnosed that you were sick in the past already are good alternatives an you can get them FOR FREE. instead of paying for fake document, which is btw in most of countries in the world is a criminal offense and could and imho SHOULD land you into a jail. P.S. Lady in the video have actually went through vaccination. And she has a great point. If you are a paranoic dumd shit who doesn't believe in vaccination then be so kind and sti at home.Period.

Janis Rozentals 2021. gada 16. augusts

Teorētiski !!!! ir brīva izvēle ? Nopietni ? Par ko dusmoties vakcinētajiem , ja TEORĒTISKI!!!! viņi nevar slimot , jo ir nevakcinēti....Par ko JŪS VISPĀR RUNĀJAT ?????